Do you have your appointment scheduled?

I promised myself I wouldn’t inundate my readers with stories about my journey with breast cancer, especially every October. So I won’t. However, because we’re nearing the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I just want to take one more opportunity to remind you that if you’re over 40 and haven’t had a mammogram (or you have but you’re due for one again), or any age and haven’t had your annual “poke and peek”, make your appointment right away. Please don’t put it off because you’re too busy. Trust me, I’m no different from the rest of America when I say I’m guilty of using the false, ridiculous “I’m too busy” badge of honor to justify my own over-scheduled neurosis. Everyone is too busy to have a cold, smell the roses, pursue a hobby, sleep well, email an old friend, and especially have cancer. Being busy doesn’t exempt you from squat.

Take care of yourself. Remind your friends, sisters, wives, girlfriends and daughters to schedule their visit.


Two Years Cancer Free! Book Price Update!

***Update on Book Price***

Unfortunately, due to the contracts that I have with Amazon and Nook, I am only able to discount my book to $.99 cents for this week, so it won’t be free like I’d originally posted. I sincerely apologize for this!

In honor of my two year anniversary of being cancer free, and my daughter’s 12th birthday (for whom I wrote the book), my book Dear Grace, I hope you don’t get your period in gym class, will be FREE all next week, starting Sunday, October 20 through Saturday October 26th. This is a short, funny read for preteen girls, and mom’s of preteen girls. It’s in e-book format, available through Amazon and Nook. (Links available on the main page of this blog.)

 Dear Grace, I hope you don't get your period in gym class.